
Showing posts from October, 2023

Ten lessons I learnt in life.

Life isn't always going to go according to our plans and it definitely is not a walk in the park but I can guarantee you that it is inarguably a teacher. I'm just a young woman in my mid twenties, in some concerns I'm still naive when it come to life but I will still like to share some  lessons I have learnt through my own journey in life. I hope you maybe can find something of value to help you as you go along or maybe something to ralate to. We are all humans in journey without script. Telling each other our life lessons is one of the ways we can help one another not to go the same route of bad habits and bad mistakes. Without further delay here they are. Don't mind me though, I'm going to frame them like quotes so enjoy 😉 1. Do not let the world steal your discipline. Discipline is  menditory for growth and success. Following the world mindlessly make you foolish and tacky.  2.    Don't work to please other people. Working to please other people ...

How to be look clean and Polished when at home.

To be honest with you  I had watched a lot of YouTube videos on how to look clean and Polished or on how to improve my appearance in general, and I have found that though many tips are good they are not practical for most people including me. And if those tips are specifically for Christian they are basically just telling you not to look frumpy. I am always at home so therefore I will look frumpy most of the time (especially after cleaning or cooking) so therefore I keep only the ugly and worn out clothes for home. So to fix the I have found  a  few tips that are helpful, effective and affordable to looking well even  at home. 1. Maintain the appearance of your clothes.   Having clothes that suitable for your lifestyle is one things you have to look out for but it is better to make sure there are no scruffs, stains or tares on the clothing. Maintain your clothes from the get go that way you won't have to get rid of it unnecessarly so. If an...

October plans

 October 23/10  New month.  It has been some time since I posted (again). Please do forgive me for that but this time I do plan do plan to at least make some progress in some sort so wait for that. I'm not revealing my plans as of yet. If you  do support please show some love and comment.  I would love hear some of thoughts too.  Today however is  jus an announcement from me for the over all blog. Since most blogs and social media accounts  require a person to have a specific niché, I however struggle to keep to only one thing to do and keeping such a well inforced structure so therefore I will mostly jus focus on creating anything until we somehow form a consistent structure. My hope is to somehow make HER TEMPLATE into something more than just a blog. I want it to be a place for all Christian woman to grow as who God wants us to be and also enjoy The presence of God in all he has made. To show his glory and honour to the world. We se...